Good Morning. Here’s a Cat Singing the Game of Thrones Theme

This is a cat called Arya. Arya loves Game of Thrones just a little bit less that her owner loves faffing about with autotune. If you’ve been pining for the show since the end of season 2 earlier this year then this…will not help in the slightest. But you probably won’t be able to stop watching, regardless.

Thanks internet.


Dropping Science: Onwards to the Edge!


You all know I love space and you all know I love autotune so this week’s post should be a no-brainer.   Symphony of Science have created this musical celebration of our solar system and the importance of continuing to explore the cosmos. Featuring scientists Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Cox and Carolyn Porco as well as some stunning imagery from recent TV series, it’s a wonderfully inspiring piece of work and one that will keep me smiling all day.



We’re down at the Thought Bubble Convention in Leeds today. If you’d like to keep up on the day’s events, follow me on twitter: @danthompson2099

The Twelve Geeks of Christmas – Red Shirt Guy Autotune

As a thank you for all your support over our first few months of being operational, we’re giving you twelve days worth of geeky videos, hand picked and guaranteed to raise a smile. Enjoy.

If you’re a citizen of the internet then you probably came across the unlikely hero known only as “Red Shirt Guy”. Not only did this chap manage to stump the World of Warcraft creative team with his scary knowledge of their own product, he also became an overnight legend by the calm and reasonable way he addressed the hail of flames he got over his first video. So popular was he with fans that Blizzard even incorporated him into the latest World of Warcraft expansion. Fitting then that an icon such as this should receive one of the internet’s highest awards – a badass autotune remix!

Another X-Men parody tomorrow. Sweet.
