It’s been a long working week. The sirens of crimes already committed blaze through the night. The unfortunate drones make their way back to the flats and homes too small to really stretch they’re legs out or have a good Nerf fight in. If this describes your Friday, or even if it doesn’t, how about a free comic book, comedy and entertainment? How about the warmth of a like-minded crowd having the time of their lives? Sounds to me like you’re looking for the Moon Launch 3.

Others may be asking how to get Moon 3? So many different ways. You could wait for us to appear at a London con (February) OR you can come to Dirty Dicks, Broadgate, Liverpool Street, London get a free comic at the door and enjoy the best in new music, comedy and novelty bands with a drink in your hand, music in your ears and friends around you! Never has socialising ever been easier.

‘What’s that? You have a copy of Moon too!? Let’s talk.’

We’re too noisy for the Square Pig (Moon Launch 1), too big for the Miller (Moon Launch 2) so now we’re in the Vault of Dirty Dicks at London Liverpool Street. Centre of commerce and easy trips home!!

CONFIRMED: 2-piece comedy duo and friends to the Bunker, COLD CALLERS and Ska 5-piece JOB SEEKERS ALLIANCE!

Moon Launch 3 Flyer Front

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