Star Wars 1313: All 3 Extended Gameplay Trailers Back to Back

It has come to our attention that we are beginning to become a depository for other people’s cool. At the risk of becoming an advertising space for a company that frankly doesn’t need it I have to post this however. Lucasarts have released 3 trailers (in the wrong order) featuring gameplay from Star Wars 1313. It’s first mature rated game – I think it’s first mature rated anything – it features a breakout at the titular level 1313. These are the three trailers together – in the right order.

Whether mature content is a move that Lucasarts intend to investigate more is unknown but as much as it pains me to say it, Lucasart’s incredibly well funded design shop have done it again. It looks monumental, with (assuming the extended scene is indicative of general gameplay) beautifully developed sequences and fairly seamless and exciting gameplay. Rumours of Leisure Suit Jabba : Tits on Tatooine or the the new TV series X-Wing, a view of daily life and conflicts in the Senate by Aaron Sorkin are most likely grossly overstated.

Never the less head over to the Star Wars: 1313 site if you’d like to hear some moody music, look at this image and follow it on Facebook.