My 5 Favourite game cinematics by Steve P

The end result of the cooperation between game and film industries – led by Pixar and Lucasarts for the most part has given rise to a lesser recognised art form. The reason why games can’t be converted to film is simple. The jobs already done. Here are five (from my very limited gaming experience) of the best I’ve seen. Fun fun.

Lemmings Tribes Intro

Angry Birds: The Mighty Eagle

Star Wars: The Old Republic – Deceived Trailer

Cataclysm – World of Warcraft

The Betrayal of Kerrigan – Starcraft 2

Always, always had a thing for the cinematics in any game I’ve ever played ever since Lemmings 2: Tribes. May they live on long and continue to get better and better. These 5 represent the epitomy of the style and I am more influenced by them than I care to admit. Over the next 5 weeks I’ll go into them in a little more detail but I thought I’d show you them first. For laughs. One thing worth noting. All of them represent the beginnings of stories in which millions (billions in some cases) die. Gotta love gaming!