Star Wars: Feel Los Muertos.

Mis Nopales Art brings us a new representation of arguably the most loved saga of our time: Star Wars. Living in California, José Pulido makes prints of pop culture icons in a traditional Mexican style reminiscent of Dia de Los Muertos.

For this and loads more examples (including a Darth Maul, Wolverine and Buddy Holly) haed on over to

George Lucas: When William Shatner’s invited to Dinner

How, after 30 years of success can you honour a man like George Lucas? A giant in the movie industry, creator of Industrial Light and Magic. Funder of Pixar and John Lasseter. Creator of Star Wars and Indiana Jones? Well thats simple. Let William Shatner wander out on stage to have a chat with him. Truly, one star voyager shows another how its done!!

This is why no-one is better than the Shatner.