Max Landis on The Death of Superman

The Death and Return of Superman is one of those things that Steve and I have always differed on. Steve read it in the original issues as a kid (ie how you’re supposed to read it) and thought it was awesome. I read it in my twenties in a public library in Gravesend while local children threw rocks at the windows (ie how you’re not supposed to read anything) and was somewhat less enthused. There’s a good chance that some of you may not have read it at all but thankfully there is a man swooping to the rescue to fill you in on what the event was all about. It’s not Superman, it’s Max Landis.

As well as being the son of movie legend, John Landis, Max Landis is rapidly becoming something of a household name in his own right. With his script for the movie Chronicle earning him a mountain of praise from critics and audiences alike, it’s only a matter of time before he joins the likes of Duncan Jones in the ranks of famous children who have stepped well out of the shadow of their fathers.

First though, Max has a few things he wants to get straightened out and top of his list is ensuring that nobody forgets about DC Comics’ attempt to boost sales by killing off everybody’s Kryptonian. He does this with the help of Elijah Wood, Mandy Moore, Simon Pegg, a bottle of whiskey and some very funny Charlie Brooker esque ranting.

