Moon: Build Up to a Comic Book Cover: Part 4

To the cover!! Is this what we’re going with? Hm. Hard to say. Iv will kill me if I come up with another idea. We are now on what should hopefully be the final week (isn) of preparation for issue 2. There’s a lot of lettering going on, a lot of colouring, a lot of collecting material together to combine it all together in a fine visual delight that will be the second issue of Moon.

Good god it’s been a long time on this one but we are finally moving all the tiny meticulous little pieces ever closer together. There are plans to make up for the considerable wait that everyone has suffered. Never again, please god, never again!!

Fun is close!!

Moon: Build Up to a Comic Book Cover: Part 1

Welcome to the first stages of a very effective comic book cover (we hope). Some years ago I saw something very, very similar between two major characters of some very famous toy brand that had been put out as a fairly successful British comic book. The image seared into my head as one of the strongest images I’d ever seen. As such I have shamelessly sought to use it’s basic premise on the pages of Moon 2.

Covers are probably the most difficult part of the whole process. Something that effectively says what’s going on inside without giving the game away, grabs attention from a distance and holds up well under scrutiny. All this and it always has to carry numbers and titles (and maybe a review and occasionally -though not ideally – a barcode). It takes a tonne of thought and trial and error and has been the focus of my attention for some time.

With the artwork for Moon 2 complete we are beginning to move into the final stages of production (finally). This is a relief and I have to say I’m proud of the content – more so as I see the lettering and colouring come into existence. It’s at this point it becomes easier to figure out what artwork sums up all the takes place inside.

This is stage 1: Pencils, inks, lifted from the page by Photoshop and the basic layer of Moon image (applied on external and high detail images of Moon) to finish off what is effectively nothing but a neck in a suit up until this point.

These lines are with Iv and she will no doubt lovingly finish them off ready for the final page – something I personally can’t wait for. Stage 2 Next week.

Moon 2: Big Things are Happening

Watch the immediate space around your planet. The orbiting satelite is beginning to stir again after a long ol’ time in the icy cold. His partner in danger, a rebel traffic warden on the loose, gun toting mercenaries wrecking diners and a mysterious power that speaks with strange speech bubbles in the background of it all.

Who killed Councillor Hugh Griffiths? Only Moon can find out in the upcoming Moon 2…

Moon has been away too long and you will find that the updates here are going to decidedly more intense and significantly more original as the return of Moon becomes an certainty.

For all of those who have waited patiently and to those who have just discovered him – Moon is on his way back to see us and we can promise that the result is going to be unlike anything you’ve ever seen in British comic books (while still remaining vaguely familiar).

The Moon is among us. Watch out for his big Moony head.

Unfortunately whether or not we will hit London Film and Comicon is still in doubt however we are making sure that the best comic that we can put together is on it’s way. So keep your eyes on this space for more updates and goodies regarding our resident defender of Albion (nay, the world!!)

Crazy Japanese Minecraft trailer

To those not in the know – Minecraft is a game in which you can potentially build anything – as long as you don’t mind it being made of different coloured boxes. It is, reportedly, amazing and has to be kept out of the hands of myself and Dan because of it’s addictive nature. It’s been around for while however now the Japanese have discovered it – and Oh Boy! Have they done there thing with it!

As expectedly obscure, crazy and provocatively confusing as you’d expect. Hooray!!
