Lost Jedi: Jedi Master Yoda

Master Yoda’s escape from Kashyyk was going to be focussed on in more detail in Lost Jedi as he tries to make his way to the launch point with Chewie. On the far side of the planet, a contingent of Jedi are heading towards the main battle site with the intention of extraction and damage control. Yoda is aware of their presence and does what he can to aid them from his position but to no avail.

The complete Star Wars Holiday Special (with authentic 1978 ads)

Few things have gone down in notoriety like the Star Wars Holiday Special. Almost unanimously revered as the worst thing ever brought out of the Star Wars canon it was, I think, a sincere attempt to bring Star Wars to Christmas.

Dodging any religious incorrectness, Wookees celebrate Life Day on Kashyyk. watch Harrison Ford struggle manfully to maintain cheer, hope that Uncle Itchy doesn’t beat little cousin Lumpy in front of the cameras. In between the ludicrous schmaltz there is some decent action sequences and if you like the idea of seeing extra Han Solo / Chewbacca footage, Carrie Fisher singing and some season friendly chop socky against Imperial humbuggers then take a look. There’s even a bit of Jefferson Starship. Through the fact that it’s essentially a day in the life of a Wookee family (including a geriatric Wookee getting his jollies watching dancing girls in a hair dryer). Brilliant!

We here at Beyond the Bunker wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Lost Jedi: The Kashyyk Contingent

Sent to Kashyyk to handle ground assaults, evacuation and supply lines on the far side of the planet, this small contingent of Jedi find themselves caught in a struggle to secure the safe passage of fleeing Wookies, refusal from Wookie councils to move off planet, the rapidly advancing separatist forces, the Clone army who have now turned on them and an attempt to protect and evacuate the Jedi Order’s most valued Master in Yoda.

Jedi Commander Ja Himan

Ja Himan (Himanshu Ojha) is a showman. A lunatic with a lightsabre he favours displays of viruosity and skill at times above the final result. He is effectively a swordsman of old. Preferring the parry and the thrust of one on one conflict, he will take on a tank as if a single opponent. On the whole he wins and his displays demoralise most opposition but his need to include danger can at times imperil his associates, something the extraction team that remains after Order 66 express regularly. However, he is almost always a great leader and a great source of morale for demoralised troops. A true friend to most Jedi, Ja Himan is an honest and true Jedi with only the best intentions. Brave and bold, it is his task to lead what is left of the Jedi on Kashyyk to an extraction point on the far side of the planet.

Frustrated Jedi Padawan Om Dom Chavi

Om Dom Chavi believes himself to be worthy of Knighthood. However, he believed this on day one of his training. Yoda despairs in his training as his focus on the far future limits his capacity to improve in the present. Never the less, Om Dom Chavi fights bravely when called upon – however can be relied upon to moan almost constantly throughout the process.

Jedi Knight Corin Darklighter

Corin Darklighter is distant Uncle to the famed X-Wing Pilot of Yavin. A capable and solemn Jedi Knight, he is at once quiet and thoughtful and aware of much that lies around him. An observant character he is subject to distraction. Something that has kept him from becoming a fully fledged master. He is prone to self doubt but always comes through when the need is greatest. He is more pacifist than many Jedi Knights, preferring to find a peaceful solution. This proves of great help during the negotiations with local Wookie leaders regarding evacuation.

Jedi Padawan Ruba Knightro

Jedi Knight Ruba Knightro is a passive, romantic figure. Softly spoken but ferocious in battle, his slight frame belies a manic fighter. At times subject to bouts of loss and grief, Ruba has to overcome more in the jungle than his immediate adversaries. However, when he is settled in himself he is the cheeriest and light heartedest of the group, enjoying the sights and sounds and experiences that Kashyyk offers between battles.

Rowrra the Beater. A giant Wookie (even by Wookie standards) Rowrra is made guide to the Jedi through the backwaters of Kashyyk. Responsible for the safety of his group, Rowrra is beligerent and difficult at almost all times but a ferocious warrior and capable tracker and navigator.