Moon #1 & #2 Available for Mail Order NOW!

Moon Cover mark up
Moon 2 Cover 3

Looking to catch up on the adventures of Moon but couldn’t come to the Moon Launch? Don’t want to wait until the next con to get your hands on the new issue? Have a friend who likes amazing comics about sharp dressed astral bodies? Well you’re in luck because you can now mail order copies of both Moon #1 and #2 and have them delivered direct to your door anywhere in the world!

Just head to our new comicsy shop and place your order. We’ll handle the rest!

Order before the 18th of December to ensure delivery by Christmas.

Click here or use the shop link in the top menu!

The Stars Of Moon Launch 2

It’s 11pm the day after Moon Launch and I’m just about getting over the hangover. Suffice it to say it was an amazing night and I feel very proud to have played a small part in it. We shall endeavour to post up some photos as soon as possible but in the mean time I thought I’d chuck up some details of the real stars of the show, the acts.

We opened the night with Patsy & Tim, also known as master puppeteer Laura Bacon and musician Tim Berryman. Their cover of the Pokemon theme was easily one of the highlights of the entire night and they had everyone in hysterics for their entire set.

You can find out more about Laura’s puppet work on her facebook fan page.

We kept the comedy going with a barnstorming performance by musical comedy duo, Cold Callers. Ryan and Paul played at the first Moon Launch and were good enough to dust off the official Moon theme song one more time.

You can follow the boys on twitter, listen to some of their songs again on myspace and you should most certainly check out their podcast on itunes.

 For me one of the real highlights of the night turned out to be blues singer, JD Smith whose set caused me to dash outside and demand all the smokers drop their fags and come listen. If I can find a good quality youtube video then I’ll sling one up on the site but for now you can listen to some of his fantastic music on his myspace.

He likes Garth Ennis too which is always a plus.

 The night was rounded off by the reggae sounds of John Blood and the Highlys. The band were good enough to step in on very short notice and were superb from start to finish. The perfect end to an eclectic night of music.

If you want to catch more of John Blood and the Highlys then you can do so on their website.

And just to round it off, here’s one of their videos:

Thanks again to everyone who came, we hope you had a fantastic time and that you enjoy the comic. If you weren’t able to make it then don’t fret, the book will be available to buy on line in the next few days.


Moon Launch 2 is ON!!



It’s here!! Moon Launch 2 is on November 24th at The amazing Miller in London Bridge, SE1 3SS. There will be live music, free signed, numbered, limited edition copies of Moon 2 for everyone who attends – unless we run out! We are currently talking to some of the incredible acts that attended Moon Launch 1 to see if they’ll return. As soon as we know, you will know but we have musical and entertainment experts calling in every favour they know to make sure it’ll be a storming night!! Great venue, great company, great live acts, good prices and an exclusive comic book to boot. We will be taking bookings at MCM this weekend and we recommend that anyone coming from outside London book ahead as space is limited!! Look forward to seeing you there!!

Moon’s Song Of The Week – Superhero Music by Fingathing


I’ve had a week off from the site in order to get a few bits done (one of those being my 30th) but we’re back this weekend for more music and science. This week’s track is a jump into the archives for a song by Fingathing which is somewhat appropriate for this site. Drum Bowskill (who you’ll remember from the Mad Tree short we did a few weeks ago) gave me a USB full of music as a birthday present so don’t be surprised if I delve into it on more than one occasion over the next few weeks.

How this song has not made it onto the soundtrack of a movie, I will never know.


(We’re off to the MCM expo tomorrow and we’ll have news about when Moon #2 is out and when our next Moon Launch party will be. If you’re down at the con then come find us in the Comic Village to learn more!)

The Moon And The Stars – One Week Til LFCC!

It’s been a year of showing off for the rapidly expanding UK convention circuit with mega cons old and new all duking it out to put on the best possible event for fans. Next week is the turn of one of the veterans of the scene, The London Film and Comic con and if the guest line up is anything to go by LFCC intends to come out of the corner swinging.

LFCC All Stars (left to right): Gillian Anderson, Karl Urban, Charles Dance, Alex Winter, Gates McFadden, Adam Baldwin

LFCC always have an impressive line up and this year is no different. Fans will be able to meet like likes of Alex Winter (Bill & Ted), Karl Urban (Lord of the Rings, Dredd), Gillian Anderson (X-Files) and about half the cast of Game of Thrones and Star Wars. They also have a real life Batmobile and the usual army of dealers who will be happy to sell you everything from light sabers to figurines.

The exciting thing for us however is that for the first time LFCC is hosting a dedicated comic book section, complete with signings, industry experts and (naturally) a certain Moon headed detective. Beyond The Bunker will be at LFCC for all three days so feel free to come and chat to us about comics, the creative process or whatever you fancy really. We’ll have some new badges and our fine selection of prints for sale as well as the award winning comic itself! As always, there’s a free badge with every copy so if you know anyone who doesn’t own Moon yet, drag them along and badge them up!

No copies of Moon #2 just yet but ask us about the impending Moon Launch Party for some insider info.

LFCC is next weekend at the London Olympia Grand Hall. Tickets can be bought on the door and cost a mere £6 (for regular entry)

See you there!


Moon 2: Page 17 pencils

Page 17 of Moon 2 in all its ‘leaden’ ‘glory’ presented for your perusal. Work on Moon 2 is continuing apace and is looking really rather good for the extra effort. Many, many pages are already back from Iv’s South American palette. She continues to teach English to 11 different schools so is achieving an incredible feat by putting out any Moon pages at all. We remain as ever in awe of the lass.

But what is going on here? Both characters from the previous book and new to the series having a fight about something. But what? And what does it have to do with Moon?

We’re not telling you. Sorry. Maybe stop by the Moon table at a future con (perhaps not Kapow or MCM – sorry as it might not be available by then) or attend the Moon Launch and we’ll reveal all for a measly £3.50. Stop by anyway!!

In the meantime – why not grab another copy of Moon 1? Seriously – one for the week, one for Sunday best.

Photos from Beyond the Bunker Launch Party: The Bands

Capping it off was the talent. Paul Sweeney compered like a tight trousered mean thing with a guitar fetish, followed by Ryan Brannon and Paul Rich (the Coldcallers) who played to the back of someone’s head – we will find that person. Straight in and at the exasperation of local residents and the exultation of the assembled masses came the audio blitzkrieg lullaby that are Duke of Marmalade – three lads from Milton Keynes on their first gig in London. To finish off the night, the lyrical and gutteral guitar strands that are Skyskratcher – headed by chief sound engineer Jude Benjamin – who brought everything to an astonishing crescendo and finished the night with a massive bang!! All round a top night and honestly too small a venue to contain these bands. So now its onwards – either a bigger venue or playing them each one gig at a time. Sadly, no images of Skyskratcher – not sure why but otherwise Imogen Banks captured the rest beautifully.

Paul Sweeney having a 'special man moment' on stage.

Coldcallers (Ryan Brannon and Paul Rich) get all accusational

Attack of the Big Hands: Ryan Brannon (of Cold Callers), Steve Penfold (Big hands) and Jeremiah O Connor (outside)

Last minute additions Duke of Marmalade scare the neighbours

Paul Sweeney meets a fan!

Moon Launch: All systems go, only one injury

The Moon launch last night at the Square Pig in Holborn went exactly as expected – in that everyone had a great time, everyone had a wicked time, enjoyed the book, the music was monumental and someone was almost killed, the local head of the housing association came to see what the noise was about, the music didn’t work for a while, sound checks involved running between a basement and the main bar, the bar manager came close to losing her mind and there was a threat of anarchists. So standard stuff.

We may have got even more guests before it started as the pub was surrounded by Police vans due to repeats of 150 anarchists (of an estimated 400,000 protestors) moving through town smashing bank and business fronts. Both bands were later than expected, Coldcallers were late because Paul Rich couldn’t decide whether to wear a leotard or not. True. Sweeney called after he was meant to be there saying he was getting on the bus. At 6pm it was myself, Skyskratcher and the bar staff. Jude (of Skyskratchers running up and down the stairs attempting the first multi storey sound check as the sound board was in the basement and the music was in the top bar). Some lads who were passing came in for one quick pint but were just as quickly followed by a lovely family who were meeting someone at the same address who I felt I had to let in. This flurry of activity caused me to miss an old gentlemen who came in, bought a pint for himself and settled into one of the comfy chairs before I’d noticed he was there. At 5.30pm I had guests, none of whom were there for the party, almost no acts, no comic books, no float and the possibility of anarchists. It was shaping up strangely.

Eventually Stephen Du Toit (Costume Designer) and James Eaton (of Roughlee Films) turned up followed by writer Jo Stokes. So we were off, soon to be followed by Artist and possible wizard Simon Rogers, then rampant irritant and possible gypsy king Ben Guibirelli but I had no comic books to offer them for they were with Dan. And Dan was still in Greenwich struggling with a PC.

In attendance (shipping in by Bus) were Paul Sweeney who blew it all apart with some neat asides about myself and Dan and a brief song about Pandas to kick things off, before the Cold Callers took the stage and took the place apart in the silliest way possible. A distortion in the mikes and the close proximity of the bar meant they came over more ‘Tenacious D’ than ‘Flight of the Conchords’ but they still went over brilliantly. They blew us away with a rendition of the Moon theme tune – an amazing translation of the events of Moon 1 that will complement the project for a long time onwards.

Complaints came in thick and fast from the local residents who chose to move in above a pub – a lack of personal responsibility there I feel – and this was only heightened by the oncoming seismic beauty of the Duke of Marmalade, named after a famous horse and with at least as much thoroughbred they tore the place apart with flowing rock even my auntie Susan enjoyed.

As soon as the drums began in the sound check, the bar manager, who was a picture of cool all night, came close to losing her mind. With each additional soundcheck of Bass, lead guitar and vocals it became clear that the rest of block’d be aware of a party taking place. Hilariously, the head of the housing association paid us a visit about the noise however being a producer for Music and TV had to acknowledge they were very good but too loud.

Finally came Skyskratcher, filling in for the notably absent Damn Jammage (I assume they got another gig) finished the night beautifully with exactly the lyrical, guitar waxing and blazing I expected from seeing their work online. Finishing with a bit of flair, Jude Benjamin electrocuted himself towards the end of the set, sending himself reeling to the floor. Shaken up, buzzing a bit and offered a free pint he was sat down on a stall and refused, on basic human protection grounds, not to continue the set though he was determined to do so. That man is a machine. A little, brainy machine god with a penchant for massive guitar riffs.

Amps blew before the start and two of the support for Skyskratcher made a mad dash across town to Crouch End and back again to bring us what we needed to be back before Coldcaller’s set finished. At the start of the evening there was no sign of Dan as he was hunched over a PC at his flat in Greenwich desperately trying to get a DVD containing the Beyond the Bunker video wall film to render. He succeeded, only to be defeated by the in-house AV. But none of thsi made a difference it was an epic night and nothing it seemed could derail it thanks to the efforts of those involved and the brilliant guests.

I have to say a massive thanks to Jude Benjamin (for sound checking from the basement and finishing with such a pirouettic denouement), Paul Sweeney and Drummond Bowskill for the light entertainment, Cold Callers for their beautiful rendition of ‘is it gay’ and apologies for forcing them to cut their set short – I’m deliberately not referencing one of the absolute highlights of the evening as I will be mentioning on the photographic report over the next couple of days. Thanks to Duke of Marmalade for keeping the Head of the Housing Association oddly content and Skyskratcher for absolutely nailing the end of the evening with aplomb and great music. The stage is set for another… watch this space for details.

But special thanks has to go to our respective fiancees, without which, none of this would have taken place. Fi manned the desk and blocked any and all marauders from entering unless they smiled and paid a fiver and Tori has frankly put up with my obsession with Beyond the Bunker for far too many years, including a very late request (1pm on the day), while trying to complete A-level Exams with her students for a mike stand. Both are the light in our lives and if it all folded tomorrow I confidently predict we’d still be the happiest chaps in the world thanks to our beaus.

There is more news coming but its almost completely redundant without a visual or audio accompniment so you will have to wait a little longer updates on how the rest of it went. But needless to say it went brilliantly…. oh, and we sold quite a few comic books – exact figures aren’t in yet… far from being over though Moon 1 will be available from Monday on Mail Order so you can enjoy the Moony goodness in the comfort of your own home, ward, dormitory, cell, lighthouse, tent without the threat of electrocution.


Steve P

Moon Launch!!

The day itself and the surprises continue to flow in: Another band ‘Duke of Marmalade’ will be filling the gap potentially left open by the Damn Jammage (though they will be in attendance and might have a go if there’s time) and we have confirmed multiple characters in attendance. Lee Ravitz (Ray Barton), Alistair Reith (Shades Rodriguez), Noel Wesley (from Ragnarok Dawn), Fiona McRae (Nyfain) and I’ve just sent a message to the legendary Paul O’Shea (Koun in Moon 1 and the slightly unhinged Nikolai in Ragnarok Dawn) so we hope he’ll be in attendance.

Well here we have it. The Beyond the Bunker launch is on! Today at 6 at the Square Pig, 30-32 Procter Street, Holborn, WC1V 6NX and featuring Paul Sweeney, Cold Callers, Skyskratcher, and almost the entire cast of Moon 1 (yes, cast). Don’t feel there’s much more to say except thanks to all of those who will attend this evening and all those who’ve made it happen (in particular the staff of Square Pig, Jude Benjamin, Tori Kingston, Cold Callers, Paul Sweeney and Skyskratcher. We hope there will be a video wall featuring short films, artwork, Moon and Fallen Heroes. Cheers again from the Beyond the Bunker team. See you there!!

If you’re still not sure there’s still plenty of time. Doors open at 6pm and the live acts starting at 7. £5 at the door and a free signed copy of Moon 1 to every entry!


Moon Launch: T-Minus 1 Day

This is it. Effectively 24 hours before the biggest launch of a UK Comic book in recent years occurs!! Moon 1 in your hands at the door with eclectic, funny and frankly lavishly awesome acts playing live for your entertainment inside! What more can you ask for? Pictures of yourself with a Moon for a head? Yeah, I think we can pull that off? A great venue topped off with friendly staff and frankly (for London) very, very reasonable prices for drinks! We’re trying to make sure we do what we can to make your evening as top muvva luvvin’ poppin’ as possible because quite frankly, we is nothing without ye.

Its been a long old road but here we are – finally, we get to see some of you luvverly people getting to handle the goods we’ve been bleating on about. Following this its back to the drawing board to kick start the next installments of Fallen Heroes and Moon and some secret little projects we have tucked away somewhere. So we’re just gonna max it up fully like on the night before getting back to the grind to bring you yet more Moony / globe trotting hero adventure. Tuck that in your trousers and schmoke it.

So, collected below is all you need to know about the event taking place tomorrow night 6-11.30pm at the Square Pig, Holborn, WC1V 6NX (just next to the tube – staggering distance I assure you). IT PROMISES TO BE EPIC!!

Firstly Moon 1 itself. A book that has earned two very good reviews so far (hopefully with more coming soon). From new friend of the Bunker Joe Innes at the frankly amazing ‘like if Blackadder had been made by HBO’ and from Geekplanetonline ‘Overall this is a very British book, from Dan Thompson’s script which winks at the reader without ever coming across as smug to Steve Penfold’s artwork which feels as British as 2000AD while having a distinct style of its own, Moon is a title to watch out for and deserves to become a breakout hit. If Beyond the Bunker can keep up this level of quality they have a bright future ahead of them.’

The Acts confirmed for tomorrow night are –
Mr Paul Sweeney he who puts Imp into impresario. He shall wrestle the various live acts like a Lion Tamer might control wild beasts for the audience’s delight. His way with the world will intrigue and harangue you, exposing your vulnerable mind to a smutty world almost certainly beyond your ken. He be the most unceremonious master of ceremonies imaginable – perfect for us I say!! Mr Paul Sweeney!!

The Coldcallers – player with the lyric, bender of the music. These guys will twist your love of music towards something darker, sexier and infinitely more looney. Flight of the Conchords but perhaps somehow with even less grip on the world around them – Ryan Brannon and Paul Rich will be introducing the Moon theme tune to your unsuspecting ears at an undisclosed time during what will be no doubt, an amazing set…
Following a brief interlude we will unleash Skyskratcher! An eclectic group that swings between diving melodies and hard walls of guitar sound to take you on a frankly awesome musical merry go round in which you might be sick… but you won’t care. Led by Jude Benjamin on lead vocals, the band play with the effects button of your soul with wild abandon! And I’m not just saying that…. (I might just be saying that…) but they are awesome – I just don’t know how to talk about music.
Damn Jammage will not be playing a set tomorrow night due to technical difficulties however they will be in attendance and propping up the bar – if you have any memorabilia might be a good chance to sign them up.

… and finally, purely as a surprise guest we have one of the greatest villains in comic book history present at the gig. Having heard that the Beyond the Bunker wagon had rolled into town he stopped skinning the cat and rode along town on a teenager’s bike (leaving said childer in the gutter with a broad smile on his face…. Ladies and gentlemen…. I am pleased to announce THE JOKER will be in attendance tomorrow night to see what he can see. The Riddler will be refused entry… (THIS IS NOT A JOKE, IRONICALLY, THE JOKER WILL BE IN THE BUILDING ON THE NIGHT).

So mix that in a cocked hat and then we tell you its all for a fivers entry. What do you say to that (I say we undercharged but what are you going to do). Consider Saturday night a thank you for joining us on a journey to the MOON (maybe not back!)

To sign off we will I think use a section of Joe Inne’s excellent review from last week… ‘In this day an age, there aren’t many reasons why you can’t think big, and it’s nice to remember that comics are only as restricted as the creators imagination… something you probably won’t need to worry about with Moon, because the sky is nowhere near the limit.’